Torrent Downloads > Upload a Torrent

Upload a Torrent

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Upload rules:

- Dont upload bad words (all swear words, anything to do with casino, poker)
- Dont upload aXXo torrents
- Don't upload spam torrents like free iPod/PSP/phones/$$$ stuff
- Please enter release and quality information in the description field.
- Uploading passworded archives without stating the password may result in a ban.
- Uploading the torrent may take some time, wait for success result.

Submissions that do not comply with these rules will be removed.
Violating these rules may result in a instant ban (if you think youve been banned by mistake please email to )

Please read and the following terms of use before proceeding

Upload a Torrent Form:

Torrent file:
Info URL (optional):
Generate name from torrent file
Description (optional):

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